Verses & Poems by Margmax
Leaving your 20's (any age can be entered) thats very sad
Can you still be one of the lads?
Can you still drink all night
And go to work next day alert and bright?

In this Age Birthday Poems section you will find poems/rhymes relating to all ages especially the decades of 30 40 50 60 70 80 many are amusing. You are welcome to use these for non commercial purposes. Please keep visiting as new ones will continue to be added.

Note! You will find age poems for children by choosing kids Poems

Many of the poems can be adapted simply by changing the age so please look at whole page. Also at the bottom of the page you will find general verses which can be applied to any age.


Today you have reached a benchmark

Yes - you cannot keep it in the dark

No more childish antics it’s now time to 

embrace this new age

So celebrate your new acquisition as you

turn this landmark page

As it’s no use in moaning about the decade 

now gone down the pan

So drink, party and be merry - (Richard) do it

while you can - Happy 30th Birthday

Margmax 2014

30 is after all only one more than 29

Think of it this way and you will be fine

However when you get to 31

This thought will be dead and gone

Oh heck just enjoy your birthday 

Get through the day any which way

by Margmax 2013

Written for my niece:-

How have you got to be 30? how the years have flown

My little niece companion now has a family all of her own

We have spent many years enjoying things we have done together

So I wish you loads of happiness today and forever

by Margmax 2012

Wish I was 30 again just like you

Doing things over again whopee do

Would I change anything - you bet I would

If we could turn back time that would be good

by Margmax 2012

Reaching any birthday is a milestone so this age birthday poem I have written because I feel 30 is the first age we poke fun at :-

I won't pretend it's good 'cause it's not it's bad

You can no longer get away with the excuse of youth

Oh no for you now it has to be the truth

Mutton dressed as lamb is the phrase as you know

And as for all the stuff you slap on your face

This will now be classed as a big disgrace

Those heels that you strut on will be no more

Wedges and flaties so you don't end up on the floor

And as for the dye that you put on your hair

Well who's kiddin who we all know your not fair

But considering all this I am sure you will manage

To celebrate the decade without too much damage

It may take longer to get over when tomorrow arrives

But with planning an easy day I am sure you'll survive

by Margmax 2013

Today as you leave the 30's behind

Old age will descend on you, we think you'll find

It's your birthday so we'll tell you the truth

You're no longer in the first flush of youth

By Old Man Time you've definitely been caught

As the wrinkles appear you'll become the sensible sort

But hey, tomorrow's soon enough to turn the next page

Enjoy today and try, if you can, to forget your old age 

by Margmax 2009

Today, as you leave your twenties behind

Old age will descend on you, we think you'll find

It's your birthday so, you deserve the truth

You're no longer in the first flush of youth

By Mr Advancing Years you've been most definitely caught

It's time to become a more sensible sort

But hey, tomorrow's soon enough to turn that page

For today drink alcohol to forget your decrepit old age

by Margmax 2009

Goodness me, are you really thirty

And yet you're still flirty,dirty and shirty

I suppose now you'll have to be

More refined, not unlike me

So when we have a night out downtown

Who's got the job of playing the clown

Not us, as we need to be toeing the line

I guess it'll be someone still 29

Margmax 2009

Here it is the day of all days

When your mother took to her bed and prayed

Hours later out you popped

Squawking loudly somethings never stop

Now here we are (30) years down the line

Celebrating each birthday both yours and mine

May it stay so until it’s the pension we are spending

As our friendship continues never ending


by Margmax 2011

30 is after all only one more than 29

Think of it this way and you will be fine

However when you get to 31

This thought will be dead and gone

Oh heck just enjoy your birthday 

Get through the day any which way

by Margmax 2013


40 is the new 30 - so they say 

Nice way of saying your getting on by the way

Whatever you do it's harder to stay trim

For the first time in your life your trying to slim 

You need more sleep than you used to do 

Things you used to fit into a day now are few

A night on the toon now takes some organisation

You used to be able to do nights without preparation

But what the heck there's nowt you can do

The birthdays keep coming that's a good job to 

So on  this special eventful day

Make it count in everyway

by Margmax

Cannot believe you are forty today

I have followed you through life’s pathway

From your youth to maturity I have been there

and a friendship together I know we share

So on this milestone birthday I am delighted to say

My (young) friend A Very Happy 40th Birthday.

by Margmax 2012

Flirty at (40), that's the way
what a heavenly way to spend the day
you still have what it takes, that's plain to see
so enjoy your day, fabulous ( forty) and 

Happy Birthday from me

Margmax 2010 

Cannot believe you are forty today

I have followed you through life’s pathway

From your youth to maturity I have been there

and a friendship together I know we share

So on this milestone birthday 

I am delighted to say

My (young) friend A Very Happy 40th Birthday

by Margmax

My Oh my how the years fly by

I remember a lad with jet black(brown/blonde) hair

Now it is peppered white - life is just not fair

I remember a lad tall and slim

Now he should be visiting the gym

I remember a lad tough and strong

Years have passed what has gone wrong?

I remember a lad who always stood by me

Some things never change - 

by Margmax 2005

Your birthday today I hear

Brings the big (50) very near

I think the (50's) is a fine decade

So embrace the (50's) as the (40's) fade

So make the most of this 49th year

The last one until those 50's appear

by Margmax


Age is just a number who said that? 

It may be a number but it matters and that’s a fact

So on your (50) birthday

old man/woman let’s pretend

It’s whatever number you choose until this day comes to an end

Margmax 2012 

Half century that's really old

But you are wearing well so go for gold

Have a good day and a fantastic party night

Heard you are not at work tomorrow so that's alright

Margmax 2011

Recovering from a heavy night is not so easy now

It takes a bit more time and a bit more know how

So pace yourself at 50 things happen much much slower

But knowing the gal/guy you are bet you are still a bit of a goer

by Margmax 2012

Leaving your (40's) for the next decade

Looks and figure now beginning to fade

It is enough to turn you to the drink

Wait a minute - let me think

The drink kicked in long ago

What is the next thing left to go

Teeth, eyes,the hair on your head 

Life looking glum - take to your bed

But not until we get the chance to say

Happy Big (50) have a wonderful day

by Margmax 2010

Happy 50th birthday mate you must be feeling bad

Birthdays are celebrations but this one's a bit sad

Making it to half a century, well done to you

Can you make the pub tonight or is that too much to do?

If you need a lift please give us a call

Cause at your age we would not want you to fall

If you do not make it be sure that we will

We will have a drink on your behalf and leave you the bill

by Margmax 2010&

The big 50, oh goodness me

your over the hill that's plain to see

on the slippery slope, sliding to the pension

oh my god, I can feel the tension

holding back the years can't be done

so just forget it, and have some fun

I know your not happy but there's nothing you can do

It has to be celebrated because that's what we do

Every landmark birthday has to be marked

So just accept it as a bit of a lark

Paint on a smile and don your best clothes

You may even enjoy who knows

So accept all the jibes in the fun way they're meant

Because remember every birthday we reach is heaven sent


by Margmax 2012

Oh my goodness you are there

50 it's not a joke, it's real, now you will need to take care

Not so nimble, things take a bit longer don't they?

Well just remember and don't cram so much into a day

But today is your birthday no matter the number

So best foot forward no time to slumber

Celebrate and do it in style 

Remember we are all only here for a while


by Margmax 2013

Life can be fun at 50 I really know that’s true

You really are not old you just are not that new

You can do all the things you have always done

Maybe a bit slower and maybe not as much fun

So my (friend) I wish you a birthday that suits you

However you may spend it whatever you may do

This comes with lots of love and wishes by the score

That your birthday year is fantastic and then a little more

by Margmax 2013

Your score is pinned on the door

A landmark birthday you can’t ignore

So we are adding our wishes for a day that’s sublime

Your (50th) birthday - have a wonderful time

by Margmax 2014

The following was written for a 50th birthday for someone taking up golf but suitable for any age:-

We understand this is the new you

Taking up golf clubs instead of a snooker cue

The bracing fresh air will put roses in your cheeks

But hitting balls with a stick is not a pastime for the meek

So when you are struggling around the course in the wind and the rain

Remind yourself it's a pleasure you chose and you're not insane

You have reached the age that when you do stupid things

People will excuse you and put it down to an old age fling

by Margmax2011

The following was written for a 50 year old biker and the picture on the card was a man on a scooter:-

We know you have your eyes on a new bike to ride

But getting older your capabilities could be hard to hide

So we thought we would give you a helping hand

And we have found this bike which we consider to be just the brand

We can picture you zooming around

With Maggie holding on her feet just off the ground


Think of the pluses that 60 brings

Bus passes, discounts and similar things 

It's only one more than 59

And all that year brought was a few more lines

So think of the pluses and don't make a fuss

Be happy at 60 your now one of us 


There may be many wrinkles than can be ironed out 

But everyone's a story of that there is no doubt 

So on this milestone birthday just think about the pluses 

Lots of pensioner discounts not forgetting free travel on the buses

So welcome to the 60's my friend it's not that bad

It has it's compensations of which you will be glad 

So happy 60th birthday have a lovely day 

Doing what you do best in your own special way.


Your such a remarkable lady 

It's hard to believe today you are 80

You take pleasure from the simple things in life

May it continue so without any strife

And may today be extra special for you 

Because your a special lady through and through


Today your 60 

face it, embrace it 

there’s nothing you can do about it

Positives can be found

look hard they are somewhere around

Your’e here so there’s one big plus

and it’s your birthday so folk will make a bit of a fuss

So enjoy being 60 at least for today

Because tomorrow you enter your 61st year by the way

by Margmax 2012

Well here we are the 6th decade

As the 5th one now begins to fade

into your memory box the 50's go

New one's to be made as the 60's grow

Look at the bright things that are ahead

Retirement - you can stay in bed

Meal times can be when you wish

Or when (Maggie) decides to produce a dish

So pluses are there I think you will find

A new decade does not need to be a bind

Because really when you think about it

This birthday has just added one digit

by Margmax 2022

Today as you reach the age of 65

Celebrate with energy and show you are alive

It is no good being gloomy as the numbers accumulate

So embrace, enjoy before it is too late

By Margmax 2011

It’s here, yes it’s arrived

the birthday that see’s you at 65

The plus that this birthday brings

Is now your state pension kicks in

So Happy Official Retirement birthday

Enjoy it in your special way...

With love

by Margmax 2013

Hello my friend welcome to your 65th year

A birthday age that we now share

We were sixteen not that long ago

Since then where did all those years go?

I wish you a birthday full of all things good

And if I could turn the clock back I would

But time waits for no man or woman 

So we will just have to do the best we can

by Margmax

Could not let this (65th) birthday pass without sending my wishes you way

Hope you have a great birthday which is perfect in every way

by Margmax 2011

Sixty Six clickity click

Years flying by makes you feel sick

Time definitely goes faster the older you get

When we are young time is not a problem and yet

Time catches up with all of us in the end

So ignore the number and have a great birthday my friend

by Margmax 2011

Another birthday has arrived at your door

Now 67 years have hit the floor

Never mind you are still around 

Even if your body and mind are not quite as sound

Age can have it's compensations so we are told

Maturing like wine or a good cheese with mould

So raise your glass and toast in another year

The number cannot be changed so pretend you don't care

by Margmax 2012

69 today I can hear your sigh 

Yes my friend the number is getting a little high

The penultimate to the decade of 70 I know

Quite a lot of candles on your cake to blow

But ignore all the gloom and just have a good time

Because it's your birthday and you are still fine

by Margmax


70 years old today

You certainly don't look it by the way

Nor do you act it you keep very fit

So keep doing what your do it’s proving a hit 

by Margmax 2012&

To say you most certainly do not look 70 years old

So keep clocking them up in this way

And have a wonderful 70th birthday

by Margmax 2011

Cannot believe that seven decades you have reached today

Whatever you are doing it's working so keep it going that way

I wish you a wonderful birthday you deserve the best

And I hope that everyone that follows is better than the rest

by Margmax 2012

Seventy birthday wishes winging their way to you

With Big Congratulations for a Wonderful day enjoying everything you do.

by Margmax 2012

You are looking good for your age at least to me

Mind my eyesight isn’t as good as it used to be

It must be the drink they say it preserves

But I know you just have a tipple to calm your nerves

So keep on preserving it’s doing the job well

(70)years old and it’s hard to tell

So slick that hair and kick those heels

Because age is just as old as you feels

by Margmax 2012

A few decades come and gone

now you have reached the 7th one

Sending you wishes that the day

is wonderful in every way

Because it’s your 70th birthday.

by Margmax 2018

The following was written for a friend's 71st birthday after she had suffered a recurrence of cancer after 20 years and had a year of gruelling treatment:-

Your 70th year was not too kind

We hope that with your 71st you will find

A year the is one of the very best

With nothing that is sent to test

So on your birthday we are wishing you

A perfect day followed by a perfect year to

by Margmax 2012

Your such a remarkable lady

 It's hard to believe today you are 80

You take pleasure from the simple things in life

You just plod on without any strife

May today be extra special for you

Because your a special lady through and through

by Margmax

Oh my goodness you are there

50 it's not a joke, it's real, now you will need to take care

Not so nimble, things take a bit longer don't they

Well just remember and don't cram so much into a day

But today is your birthday no matter the number

So best foot forward no time to slumber

Celebrate and do it in style 

Remember we are all only here for a while


 by Margmax 2013

Life can be fun at 50 I really know that’s true

You really are not old you just are not that new

You can do all the things you have always done

Maybe a bit slower and maybe not as much fun

So my (friend) I wish you a birthday that suits you

However you may spend it whatever you may do

This comes with lots of love and wishes by the score

That your birthday year is fantastic and then a little more

by Margmax 2013

Your score is pinned on the door

A landmark birthday you can’t ignore

So we are adding our wishes for a

day that’s sublime

Your (50th) birthday - have a wonderful time 

by Margmax 2014

Although today is the dreaded big Six-O

It's your birthday and you should know

That Six-O is the new Five-O

So that's alright, you've got 10 more years to go

So today's not a day to wear a frown

It's a day to make hay and let your hair down

Just forget the number, it means nothing at all

Put on your slap and have a ball

By Margmax 2009

There may be many wrinkles than cannot be ironed out

But everyone's a story of that there is no doubt

So on this milestone birthday just think about the pluses

Lots of pensioner discounts not forgetting free travel on the buses

So welcome to the 60's my friend it's not that bad

It has it's compensations of which you will be glad

So happy (60th) birthday have a lovely day

Doing what you do best in your own special way.

by Margmax 2010

Today your 60

face it, embrace it 

there’s nothing you can do about it

Positives can be found

look hard they are somewhere around

Your’e here so there’s one big plus

and it’s your birthday so folk will make a bit of a fuss

So enjoy being 60 at least for today

Because tomorrow you enter your 61st year by the way

by Margmax 2012

I know you feel a little sad today

You reached that age when you don’t feel like shouting hooray

But celebrate it with great vigor

Because you no longer need to watch your figure

You can eat your way through calories galore

You can dress like a slob who could ask for more

You are not expected to be always looking pristine

You can give way to your whims however extreme

So embrace the benefits that age brings

As youth has it’s problems with other things

And now that I have cheered you up a bit

Happy (60/70)th birthday you old git

by Margmax 2012

Swingin' Pensioner at 65

Celebrate with energy and show you are alive

It is no good being gloomy as the numbers accumulate

So embrace, enjoy before it is too late

By Margmax 2011

It’s here, yes it’s arrived

the birthday that see’s you at 65

The plus that this birthday brings

Is now your state pension kicks in

So Happy Official Retirement birthday

Enjoy it in your special way...

With love

by Margmax 2013

I know you are getting old my friend and maybe seeing red

But the sentiments are in this card and really do not need to be said

Toast your 65th year with a glass or bottle of wine

And we will join you in the toast when tonight we dine

by Margmax 2011

The following poem written for a friend who was weightwatching and card made reference to this:-

This card is designed with you in mind

I think you will understand and find

That at this time of your life 

You do not want things that cause you strife

So today on your 65th birthday

Throw those telling scales away

by Margmax 2011

Could not let this (65th) birthday pass without sending my wishes you way

Hope you have a great birthday which is perfect in every way

by Margmax 2011

The following was written on request:-

Words are not enough to express all

I wish to say

As you reach this landmark birthday

on your very special day

The calendar has been marked and 

the day is now here

To say John you’re 65 so your

pension gets in gear

I’ve been very blessed to have a 

little brother just like you

You’re not just my brother but my

dearest friend too

So as you pursue your retirement 

growing things from the land

I wish you a very happy birthday with

a day that’s simply grand

by Margmax 2014

Sixty Six clickity click

Years flying by makes you feel sick

Time definitely goes faster the older you get

When we are young time is not a problem and yet

Time catches up with all of us in the end

So ignore the number and have a great birthday my friend

by Margmax 2011

Another birthday at your gate

I believe I am correct at number 68

Open the gate and welcome the new year in

Celebrate with a little drink maybe gin

Whatever you decide to do

It’s your day so it’s all about you 

by Margmax

Another birthday has arrived at your door

Now 67 years have hit the floor

Never mind you are still around 

Even if your body and mind are not quite as sound

Age can have it's compensations so we are told

Maturing like wine or a good cheese with mould

So raise your glass and toast in another year

The number cannot be changed so pretend you don't care

by Margmax 2012

69 today I can hear your sigh 

Yes my friend the number is getting a little high

The penultimate to the decade of 70 I know

Quite a lot of candles on your cake to blow

But ignore all the gloom and just have a good time

Because it's your birthday and you are still fine

by Margmax

I can't believe it - 70 years old today

You certainly don't look it by the way

Nor do you act it you keep very fit

So keep doing what you are doing as it's proving a hit

by Margmax 2011

To say you most certainly do not look 70 years old

So keep clocking them up in this way

And have a wonderful 70th birthday

by Margmax 2011

Cannot believe that seven decades you have reached today

Whatever you are doing it's working so keep it going that way

I wish you a wonderful birthday you deserve the best

And I hope that everyone that follows is better than the rest

by Margmax 2012

Seventy birthday wishes winging their way to you

With Big Congratulations for a Wonderful day enjoying everything you do.

by Margmax 2012

Your’e looking good for your age at least to me

Mind my eyesight isn’t as good as it used to be

It must be the drink they say it preserves

But I know you just have a tipple to calm your nerves

So keep on preserving it’s doing the job well

70 years old and it’s hard to tell

So slick that hair and kick those heels 

Because age is just as old as you feels

by Margmax 2012

A few decades come and gone

now you have reached the 7th one

Sending you wishes that the day

is wonderful in every way

Because it’s your 70th birthday.

by Margmax 2018


A day that is as wonderful and as special as you                   

A day doing all the things you really want to do                     

A day that is sunny from the moment you wake                     

A day when you blow out 80 candles on a very special cake

I hope that on this very special birthday                                 

You receive surprises all along the way                                 

That all your loved ones show how much you are loved           

Even the ones who are now up above                                     

I hope that when the day is eventually done                           

You have made memories to remember which were lots of fun

by Margmax 2018                   

Your such a remarkable lady 

It's hard to believe today you are 80

You take pleasure from the simple things in life

May it continue so without any strife

And may today be extra special for you

Because your a special lady through and through

by Margmax 2010

The days pictured on this card are long gone

But it is good for progress to move on

Not so good that time clocks up our age

But good that at 81 years old you are not in your dotage

We wish you a wonderful birthday today

And a year ahead that continues to be good in every way

Not quite a telegram from the Queen yet

But getting quite near so I will lay a bet

You make it to that century year

With just a little bit of care

So happy (82) birthday my friend

I hope it's a good one from beginning to end

And that the year up to the next one is worry free

Because at your age that is the best present you see 

by Margmax 2012

Today is your birthday (87) have gone by

Hurtling towards that century doesn't time fly

by Margmax 2011

On your 88th birthday we wish for you

A day of memories that are clear on what you liked to do

by Margmax 2012

Hope your (99) year is one to remember for all the best reasons

Happy 99 Birthday 

by Margmax 2011


The following poem for a 100 birthday can be said as a toast at the birthday celebration or sent in a greeting card :-

A very special birthday for a very special you

You have witnessed so much in your lifetime

And not many folk reach your age and look so fine

Her royal majesty will be sending her congratulations

As well as lots of other folk not forgetting your relations

An achievement like this needs to be celebrated

Reaching your 100th year cannot be overrated 

So dear (mother/sister etc) we raise a glass to you

To say well done and of course Happy Birthday too

You have been a wonderful (mother/sister etc) and touched so many people’s lives

So on behalf of everybody here today we are so happy you have survived

For us to say Happy 100th birthday

or last two lines if being sent by one family in a card 

We are so glad you are our (mother/sister etc) and that you have survived

So that we can say today Happy 100th birthday

by Margmax 2012


You have reached that certain birthday just as we all do

Age is just a number sometimes it is not kind

But when today is over I am sure you will find

All the love and wishes which were sent to you today

Were sent because your special in every single way

by Margmax 2010

Hey Girl

don't hide it, flaunt it

Life begins at any age you like
Happy Birthday

by Margmax 2010

Age is just a number we would often like to swop

But that is not possible we are stuck with what we've got

So on this monumental birthday celebrate in style

Yes celebrate with enthusiasm even if you have to rest awhile 

by Margmax 2011

You have now had a few birthdays I know

And here is a wish that you have many more

Because you are a wonderful person that I simply adore

by Margmax 2011

If you could choose an age to stick at what would it be

You could test it out and if you liked it decide that is the one for me

Of course it would have some problems that you would have to override

Like wrinkles, grey hair and saying you are younger than your child 

So do you feel like owning up to your birth certificate year

I think it's time to add a few because things no longer compare

by Margmax 2011

Birthdays can be good or can be bad

It depends on how many of them you have had

As you have had quite a few

Guess this is not a good day for you

But stop being miserable paint on a smile

Even if you feel depressed and could run a mile

by Margmax 2011

I  love birthdays I do

It gives me the chance to say to friends like you

Happy Birthday and I am glad to see

You are clocking them up the same as me

by Margmax 2011

My friend these birthdays seem to come too quick

I know we chose a number upon which we would stick

But I think we may have to add on a few

As folk are smiling when I troll out an age which is not new

Maybe we should take a good look and compare

By looking at ourselves through others eyes

And changing our age to one nobody could deny

by Margmax 2011

Pick a number one that you like

Make it believable then it will work alright

Work out the year of birth and practice it well

There you go birthday celebrations without an age that swells

by Margmax 2011

I love birthdays when they are not mine

So seeing as today it’s yours that makes it fine

Have a blast make it a day to remember all year

Because the next one is around the corner it’s just not fair


by Margmax 2011

The hunk on this card no longer resembles you

But never mind today you will still get a kiss or two

So Happy Birthday have a great day 

Sending love and kisses your way

by Margmax 2011

Sending you wishes for a great day

Hope it’s enjoyable in every way

And as you add another year onto your age

Hope it’s a good year as each day turns it’s page

by Margmax 2011

Happy birthday to you on this day 

Although I am sure you feel like me

Another year older you just do not want to be

But the alternative is much worse

So welcome the birthday and this verse

By Margmax 2011

No doubt today you will receive many cards referring to your age

They may be amusing or endearing or simply send you into a bit of a rage

So in this message which I am sending you no reference to age I will make

I will simply say Happy Birthday my (friend/brother etc) will all the candles fit on the cake

by Margmax 2011

Each Year We Grow 

Every age is special you know

Because each year we achieve we surely grow

We grow in all different ways; height, weight and wisdom

So as we clock up each new year we grow some

Reaching this age you should be ten feet tall

But height has stopped and bits have started to fall

Never mind I am sure it's all now in your brain

You must be so so wise shame the memory is on the wain

So celebrate every birthday welcome the new age in

Because every one is special you will never be that age again

So let me take this opportunity to say

A very happy (?) birthday - have a wonderful day

by Margmax 2012

We have reached that time of year once more

To add another one onto your score

We hope the year turns out to be 

A one that you have been pleased to see

by Margmax 2013

Memories are precious and we think of them more the older we get

In quiet moments out they pop making us smile and making us fret

But birthdays are a celebration of another year achieved

So today think happy thoughts of the new age you have received

by Margmax 2013

Now let me think what does this birthday bring

A new decade indeed you have entered mine

Never mind console yourself with a bottle of fine wine

by Margmax 2013

Birthdays become less fun the older we become

It’s life, it’s what happen’s since life begun

So don’t waste time fretting at the number you’ve landed on

Just celebrate while you can shout Bingo at each one

by Margmax 2013