Verses & Poems by Margmax

Halloween Poems and verses for that spooky night of the year when children dress up and autumn gives way to winter. Here you will find verses relating to halloween which are ideal to use in cards or scrapbooking and these are free for non commercial use.

Ghoulies and ghosties come out to night 

It is the night of the year to give folk a fright

So dress in all your frightening gear

To make everyone scream and run off in fear
by Margmax 2010

As winter draws nigh
Halloween marks autumn has gone by
So dress up in your scariest clothes
And stick on a big hooky nose
Then the goblins, ghoulies and witches cannot see
That you are not one of them but just like me

by Margmax 2011

Halloween Poems to make your evening spooky why not choose the Halloween Poem which suits your evening the best

Bobbing apples and candy sweets
It's that time of year for dressing up and being given treats
Pumpkins decorated and lighting the way
As we knock on doors to receive things for which we don't pay 

by Margmax 2011

Halloween is party time a chance to have some spooky fun
So dress up in your costumes at the setting of the sun
Join me in a night of trick or treat
Ending with some weird but good things to eat

by Margmax 2011 

Happy Halloween I hope you have fun
Fun that will start when it's time for the setting of the sun
So sort out your costume paint up your face
Going house to house is a bit of a race

Collect your goodies whilst shouting trick or treat
It is amazing on Halloween night the folk that you meet
If you have a good night and collect plenty sweets
They may last you until Christmas won't that be neat

by Margmax 

The following three Halloween Poems are for an invitation to a Halloween party 

It's Halloween time with all that it brings
Dressing up, trick a treating, and scary things
I am having a party and would like you to come
So dress up in your scariest outfit and join in the fun

by Margmax 

Wing of bat eye of toad a spell I cast for this year's spooky fun
I cast my spell with you in mind ensuring you join my party at the setting of the sun 
Then when trick and treating is done for the night
Join me at my house for a final bite

by Margmax 2011 

Halloween Poems why not learn one for calling at doors instead of or as well as shouting "trick or treat" 

Halloween is here spooky party time at last
I have everything ready so do your trick a treating fast
Then come to my house in your spooky Halloween dress
We will end the night with a foody spooky mess

by Margmax 2011 

Halloween Poems why not send a Halloween Poem to your friends?

And for your Teacher :- 

Miss/Sir did you know tonight is Halloween
Always held on the last night in October and a tradition for ghosts and witches to be seen
All the children like it because they get to dress up and frighten folk
And every house you call on give you treats so it's all a bit of a joke

by Margmax 2011 

Miss/Sir if I am late for school tomorrow can I be excused because it is Halloween tonight and I can stay up extra late 
Halloween is fun we dress up in scary things and go around the neighbourhood knocking on doors which is allowed on this date
People give you treats in turn for scaring them but you have to start early indeed as soon as it gets dark
Then if you get lucky and get there before the crowds you can collect enough goodies to last you until Christmas - what a lark

by Margmax 2011 

Tonight is the night of spooky fun
It starts as soon as daylight is done
It's creepy and scary as you don't recognize folk
They are all dressed up for trick a treating jokes

So join us in our night of scary treats
You just never know who you will meet
A devil, a witch, skeleton or wolfman 
Guess who is me - I wonder if you can

by Margmax 2012 

In the following Halloween Poem I have tried to explain the reason for Halloween 

Why Halloween? 

It’s dark, it’s cold and quite miserable it’s true
Should we be out on this night me and you
The night when all kind of creatures come out
Knocking on doors with a trick or treat shout

Witches, devils, skeletons to name a few
These are the costumes we are now used to
Carrying pumpkins to light our way
Quite sophisticated play from the olden day

Collecting the treats from every welcoming door
Watching the stash grow more and more
Trying to collect more than your friends
In the time you have before the night end

But why do we celebrate Halloween Night?
Why do we dress up to give folk a fright?
It was the eve of two Pagan feasts is all that is clear
But from the 19th century witches and such like did appear

So why do you think it changed from a feast to a spooky night
Why do you think it went from feasting to fright?
In medieval times 1st November was All Saints Day
But the eve of this was All Souls Day when for the dead they did pray

So have fun on Halloween my friends one and all
and now maybe you have an idea why folk come and call
But how it has evolved is a mystery that’s true
Because it has grown and really is rather new

by Margmax 2012 

Halloween poems to send to your friends

Now we have reminisced about Bonfire Night but what about Halloween?
Were you out of doors on this night or were you not to be seen?
Did you have a hollowed turnip with a candle on a string?
Or were you not allowed to do such a thing?

Trick or treating was not heard of in my childhood days
It only took place in America and was not commercialized yet in the UK
But now I make sure I have a mountain of good things to eat
and as darkness descends the doorbell keeps me on my feet

by Margmax 2014 

It’s dark and it’s cold and it’s 
hard to be bold
But it’s Halloween so good treats
are there to behold
Know the doors that will greet you
with goods things to eat
and ignore the ones that don’t give
out a treat

Go with your friends do not go out
Stay altogether and don’t go in any
forbidden zone
Make sure you are safe while you
have fun
Halloween starts with the setting of
the sun

by Margmax 2014

It’s scary it’s spooky but when darkness
is here
Out of the houses the little creatures appear
There are witches, devils ghoulies and ghosts
All trying to be the one who scares the most

They start off with empty buckets and bags
But it’s not long before they are overflowing with
It they leave it too late all the goodies are gone
That’s why they can’t dawdle they have to move on
With luck they will collect enough to last them until
Christmas is here
When by magic lots of new treats will appear

by Margmax 2014 

Halloween poems are fun for a fun night

Fast on the heels of Halloween we have Guy Fawkes and here is a poem I wrote explaining about The Gunfire Plot. 

The Tale of Guy Fawkes 

Now boys and girls as I am sure you all know
On November the 5th the sky is aglow
Bonfire parties with fireworks for our pleasure
But do you know why this day has became a one to treasure

It marks the foil of the gunpowder plot
When 13 English Catholics chose the spot
To mark their cause with an explosive “pow”
36 barrels of gunpowder would do this and how

Placed under the House of Lords was what they would do
They would kill the King, the Prince of Wales and the whole parliament too
But innocent folk would be there as well
So some of the conspirators began to fret and dwell

It is said a letter was sent by one of the group to his friend
Warning of the plot so that his friend that day would not attend
This letter was said to fall into the hands of the King
So the king’s men rushed to investigate everything

Now we all know what happened next - don’t we?
Beside the barrels of gunpowder Guy Fawkes was plain to see
He was tortured and executed what a terrible fate
But he will always be remembered on that date

But did you know Guy Fawkes was not the leader of the plot
A man named Robert Catesby lead this little lot
So why do we attribute November 5th to Guy alone ?
Because when discovered with the gun powder he was on his own

However within two days the rest were caught or in a siege killed All for religion, in the honour of the Catholic faith blood was spilled
Bonfires were lit that night to celebrate the King being saved
and as years progressed effigies of Guy and the Pope were made

This British Tradition has travelled around 
In old British Colonies it can be found
So do you think we are celebrating Guy Fawkes execution
or are we honoring Guy for his brave attempt at revolution?

by Margmax 2012 

Halloween Poems for your spooky pleasure 

Would you like to use a poem? then please read the following:-


Please read before using any of my verses:- 

All of the verses within this website are my own creation and I am happy for any individual to use them on their greeting cards and gifts but would ask that you end the poem with my name and website.


If you are a website publisher or a commercial or charitable organisation I would ask that you contact me to discuss permission which may well be given in exchange for a link to my site and name credit.
It continues to amaze me how many times I find my poems on someone else's website or blog claimed as their own work or author unknown. This is why on this site every poem is written by me so if you find one of my poems somewhere else without my name please inform the user that they are stealing someone else's work - thankyou. 
Copyright for all poems on this website belongs to Margmax 2011

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