Verses & Poems by Margmax

Birthday Gift Verses and poems for gift cards. Make your gift extra special by using these original verses on your gift cards. Surprise the recipient with your clever words thus making your gift stand out from the others.

I have chosen this gift especially for you
I tried very hard so I hope it will do
But if you do not like it I have left on the tag
and wrapped it inside the stores plastic bag
by Margmax 2012 

A birthday change - a present you can eat
So I have bought you a little/liquid treat 
Hope it goes down really well
And your birthday turns out really swell 

by Margmax 2011 

Buying a gift would not be practical 
So we thought a little bit tactical 
This gift can be carried without any fuss 
And comes with love and Happy Birthday from the two of us 

by Margmax 2011 

Buy yourself a little treat
Be it wearable, useable or nice to eat 
Make sure you spend every penny on you 
Because that is what it was chosen to do 

by Margmax 2011 

Happy Birthday Happy Birthday I can not say it enough times
I hope all your celebrations turn out just fine
From the moment you wake on you (30th*) birthday
I hope when you go to sleep you say “what a wonderful day”

* any age may be put here 

by Margmax 2011 

This gift was chosen especially for you
On a birthday that is very special to
So as we toast your (21st*) year
Please know how much we really care 

*any age may be entered

by Margmax 2011 

Birthdays are special every year
We give gifts to show how much we care
So on your (18th*) birthday we wish for you
A birthday and a lifetime that's special whatever you do

* any age may be entered

by Margmax 2011 

Birthday gift verses make the gift special

Thought this birthday gift would stretch a lot more
If I made it for the most popular store

by Margmax 2011 

This little gift comes with wishes galore
As no-one could ever love you more
I have hugged it and covered it with kisses a millionfold
So when you unwrap it please feel the love that it holds
Happy Birthday my love 

by Margmax 2011 

This birthday gift may be small
But the love within is as big as Niagra Falls
I wish you a birthday full of wonderful things
Because you deserve the best of everything

by Margmax 2011 

I have wrapped this gift with all my flair
Tried very hard to make it special because I care
Each year your birthday gives me the chance to say
Your very special to me every single day

by Margmax 2011 

The Romans are said to be the first to give gifts on birthdays
But royalty gave gifts before the Romans in lavish ways
Gifts were given to wish health, wealth and as good luck charms
They were brought in an effort to keep the recipient from harm
So this gift is given with all those wishes 
And given with love and birthday kisses 

by Margmax 2011 

Birthday gifts give us the chance to show
How much we care about people we know
So my friend your birthday is my chance to say
How important you are to me every day

by Margmax 2011 

Birthdays are special to us all
and the gifts we receive both big and small
This gift cannot express how much you mean to me
But it is given with love I hope you can see

by Margmax 2011 

Happy Birthday - have a great day
Here is a little something to help it along the way

by Margmax 2011 

Birthday gift verses to accompany your birthday gift

The following verse was written by request wishing the recipient to guess what the gift purchased could be

I have gave great thought what to purchase for your birthday gift
I wanted to choose something that would give you a lift
Something that would give you hours of pleasure
Something that you could always treasure
I asked our friends what they thought
So can you guess yet what I have bought

by Margmax 2012 

This gift was carefully chosen especially for you
I really hope you like it I thought it would more than do
However if it does not suit you I will understand
If you wish to change it I have the receipt to hand

by Margmax 2012 

birthday gift verses a gift in themselves

Giving and receiving gifts is a lovely tradition
But getting the right gift can be a bit of a mission
That is why you may think this gift lacks any thought
But I will be delighted when you show me what you bought

by Margmax 2012