Verses & Poems by Margmax

Christmas Poems and verses are an ideal way to make your christmas cards different. Why not choose a verse to make your christmas greeting for this Christmas original. Every year I compose a verse to add to my cards and I am sure your friends and family will enjoy reading your original wishes. 

Christmas is the time of year when we have many tasks to do
So I hope I have made it easier by writing these poems that you can make personal for you
Do not forget that you can add your own names for that extra personal touch
Then I am sure the recipient will thank you very much
by Margmax 2011 

Christmas Poems 

Sending cards at this busy time can be a tedious task but why not make your cards and gift tags special this year by personalizing them with your own special verse. I know from my friends and family that they enjoy receiving and reading my verse each year and I enjoy doing it. So why not take a few minutes from your busy festive chores to select a verse that you feel is right for you. I have tried to create categories which I hope will cover all tastes and if you to not want to write a verse why not have a look at my Christmas One Liners which are ideal for adding a personal sentence at the bottom of the printed verse. Also do not forget about the children the one liners also includes a children's section and these one liners are great to add to a greeting card verse or gift tag. I will continue to add to these poems as the festivities draw nearer but if you feel that nothing quite suits your needs please let me know.

Christmas poems for the festive time

The poems on this page are for fun but for poems/verses to write in your cards please choose from links at the bottom of the page:- 

I wrote the following as a fun poem and I find it all over the web as author unknown which is very annoying as I worked hard on it so if you are copying it please credit my name and website because other people are taking credit. Why not send it to your female friends at least once 
PLEASE NOTE! the word "fanny" in this poem is used in the context of the American name for "bottom" 

Merry Christmas To My Female Friends

If I were ol' Santa, you know what I'd do
I'd dump silly gifts that are given to you
And deliver some things just inside your front door
Things you have lost, but treasured before.

I'd give you back all your maidenly vigor,
And to go along with it, a neat tiny figure.
Then restore the old color that once graced your hair
Before rinses and bleaches took residence there.

I'd bring back the shape with which you were gifted
So things now suspended need not be uplifted.
I'd draw in your tummy and smooth down your back
Till you'd be a dream in those tight fitting slacks.

I'd remove all your wrinkles and leave only one chin
So you wouldn't spend hours rubbing grease on your skin.
You'd never have flushes or queer dizzy spells,
And you wouldn't hear noises like ringing of bells.

No sore aching feet and no corns on your toes,
No searching for spectacles when they're right on your nose.
Not a shot would you take in your arm, hip or fanny,
From a doctor who thinks you're a nervous old granny.

You'd never have a headache, so no pills would you take.
And no heating pad needed since your muscles won't ache.
Yes, if I were Santa, you'd never look stupid,
You'd be a cute little chick with the romance of a cupid.

I'd give a lift to your heart when those wolves start to whistle,
And the joys of your heart would be light as a thistle.
But alas! I'm not Santa. I'm simply just me,
The matronest of matrons you ever did see.

I wish I could tell you all the symptoms I've got,
But I'm due at my doctor's for an estrogen shot.
Even though we've grown older, this wish is sincere,
Merry Christmas to you and a Happy New Year.

by Margmax 2010

I wrote the following Christmas poems for my other half who needs no excuse to have a drink but takes advantage of having guests or holidays to get in a few more... if you have such a partner why not send it to them. 

Get your bottles stacked right up
Work your way through them sup sup sup
See Christmas through an alcohol haze
See how long you can stretch those Christmas days

Warn your liver it’s in for a bashing
Beer, red wine on their way dashing
Hide the scales ‘cause your weight will soar
Can that body take anymore?

No doubt it’s what you think Christmas is for
Booze, booze and booze give me more
Santa you are top of (Jon’s) Christmas list
You give him an excuse to spend Christmas p----d

by Margmax 2013 

Here is a Christmas poems I wrote just for fun
Not many days left to go
So no doubt Santa is in full flow
Elves working to reach their target
All in time for the Christmas market

Children’s Christmas lists all done
Now wasn’t that a lot of fun
Last minute shopping still to do
Because you have always forgotten a few

But if you are feeling a tad worn out 
Just give a thought to Santa’s house
I bet he will be glad when Christmas day arrives
His job complete and another year survived

Not forgetting his trusty workforce of elves
A short break before they start again filling those shelves
Have you gave a thought to Rudolph and his mates
I bet the 24th December is a date they hate

So now you see you have got an easy ride
Only one house for you not houses worldwide
So if you feel a groan coming from you
Just think of poor old Santa and his crew!

by Margmax 2013 

Here is a poem I wrote for parents on Christmas Eve - a bit of nostalgia 

It’s Christmas eve the children tucked in their beds
Preparations done for tomorrow - so many folk to be fed
Presents all piled up under the Christmas tree
At last a quiet moment for you and for me

The hectic activity of the past days
Has left us in a bit of a festive daze
No doubt tomorrow will see us wiped out
Just like our bank account - by that’s took a clout

But hey it only happens once a year
How can you pretend you really don’t care
When you picture those little upturned faces
As they look for their presents in familiar places

So although it will take us months to recoup
We can spend next week on turkey soup
Then until pay day Christmas left overs will do
Christmas pud, Christmas cake and of course turkey stew

So for all parents out there who share in this preparation
I hope you are having a quiet moment on Christmas eve 
just like us
Because as you get older and look back over Christmases gone
You will agree it was worth it because your children will carry 
your traditions on.....

by Margmax 2013 

Memories of My Childhood Christmas 

Christmas was special when I was a child
We didn’t get hyper and run around wild
But I had lots of cousins, aunts and uncles too
So I was never beat for someone to play a
game or two

We would congregate together taking turns
at who played host
Every household got a turn no-one was picked
on the most
New Year’s Eve was the finale and when my
childhood was done 
All my teenage friends were eager to join the 
family for the New Year fun

So I can look back with nice memories of 
Christmastimes gone by
Growing up in an extended family my sister
and I
Extended family get togethers are rare nowadays
it’s true
What a shame children will not have memories 
of Christmastimes like I do

by Margmax 

Not Forgetting New Year 

Happy New Year to all who see’s this
I hope 2015 is simply bliss
I wish for everyone that the year to come
Is healthy, prosperous and most of all fun

As the clock moves around to midnight
Don’t be Cinderella and take flight
Raise your glass or if you prefer raise a mug
of coffee or tea
It makes no difference what’s in it 
I am sure you will see

Just wish all around and yourself if there’s 
just you
The best year to come and make it come true
We all have our up’s and down’s it’s called 
life you see
It happens to you and it happens to me

So I raise my glass or my cuppa as the clock
strikes the hour
and I wish you all a Happy New Year and
remember it’s up to you to give it some power

by Margmax 2014 

Christmas poems for that special time 

This is how I feel about New Year Eve now 
When I think of the New Year Eve’s of old
tramping around in the ice and cold
Staying up until daylight appears
Spending New Year’s day in bed until your
head clears 
Waiting around for the taxi you pre-booked
and are assured will be there
It never turns up no matter how long you
wait - you have used them all year but now
they simply don’t care

Now I know I am officially old
No more tramping around for me in the cold
Out for a drink in town through the day
Home before dark and before public transport
is taken away
M&S Dine in mmm suits me just fine
‘cause as well as the food you get a bottle of wine

by Margmax 2015/6 

Written for someone alone at Christmas 

Sometimes Christmastime is a 
bad time
The worst time of the year
You think you are the only one
alone without people who care
Time evolves, life evolves 
we are only here awhile
So it’s up to us to make it count
to go for that extra mile

In this box look and you will find 
Just for you things of a special kind

A magic candle to light your way 
to a bright new sunny day
A Christmas cake with spices 
Can you really resist it’s niceness
Endorphins that’s chocolate you know
Devour them and see where you go
A drink to relax as you ponder awhile
and you make a plan for that extra mile

Know that people care 
reach out and find them there
You are not alone ....
you just have to use your phone
A new year will soon arrive
Make a resolution, turn a new 
page you will survive.

by Margmax 2016